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About Me

Hello! I’m Joyce

Founder,  Doula

​Joyce Clark is a lifelong resident of Boston. She is an avid member of the NAACP previously served as an Executive member and Climate Change & Environmental Justice Chair for the New England Area Council of the NAACP, after serving as the Boston NAACP Health Chair for 4 years. As the health chair she implemented a program with The Alzheimer Research and Memory Loss team from Brigham & Women’s Hospital. The program focused on basic understanding of Alzheimer’s & Memory loss and Aging and how to care for loved ones, self -care of the caretaker, the financial documentation necessary when a loved one is suffering from either a disease or condition of the previously named. With the guidance of the Health Chair, Joyce Clark, the program lasted four years.
In addition, while chairing the NAACP Health Committee, Joyce established a collaboration with McClain Hospital’s with the campaign “Destigmatizing Mental Health” a program where portraits with stories by individuals who were willing to tell their Mental Health story. The portraits were displayed throughout Boston Public Libraries, Joyce had the courage, apart from the NAACP to tell her own story, have her portrait done and distributed throughout Boston, mass. (look for her in green) Joyce also sits on the Health Equity Advisory Committee (HEAC) with the Boston Public Health commission

 20Joyce is also on the Standards Committee of Ujima and ran her seat with a Health initiative, she is also the Podcast host for Ujima, she enjoys talking on the radio and doing interviews in the community. Joyce has been with Ujima since 2016 and she loves it!

Joyce became a Doula in 1998, she was inspired by her own experience with the birth of her first child and knew there was a better way to birth.  Joyce received training at the Cambridge Birth Center in Cambridge Ma. Joyce is also a Lactation Educator with Vital Village in Boston Mass. She is a Doula with a passion for ensuring that Black & Brown Boston families and children are treated with respect and dignity so they can achieve their fullest potential. 

She was  the Birth Ambassador for Doula of North America International (DONA). Joyce has stated” this opportunity is humbling and exciting”

I Work With Individuals, Couples, Families, & Groups

Joyce has most recently received a grant from the Boston Public Health Commission to support Black & Brown Doulas on their path to financial independence and Birthing education by removing the barrier of the cost to reach their goals. This includes education, certification and books. The books will begin to form a library that will be available to Doulas and Lactation expert, birthing persons and their families. (no cost) Living her best dreamed life!!!!!

Joyce Clark, Founder & Full Spectrum Doula